Saturday, June 25, 2011

..:: Lama tak update Blog ::..

Salam... Ahaksss, ape kabo sume? hope semuanya sihat walafiat hendak nya... hehu... rasa nya da hampir2x sebulan aku tak update blog ni sejak da bekerja... maklum lor, kalau weekdays mmg sgt2x bz pg court, teman master ke sana sini, conduct interview untuk accident cases, mcm-mcm lg lor... last weekend aku ade kelas membuat kek... hehu... seperti minggu-minggu sebelum ni, aku selalu attend baking class dgn my dad, aunties, cousins etc kat kolej komuniti... insyaAllah, aku akan update kan resepi-resepi utk korang semua ok... last week aku belajar cara-cara buat pandan layer cake, cup cake and sponge cake.... yg paling mencabar sekali tentulah pandan layer cake... huhuhu.... 

apakah cabarannya? first of all, tentulah, step-step nak buat kek lapis pandan tu yg sgt rumit... alahai, nak menangis aku dibuatnya.... amik mase berjam-jam tau nak siapkan, tp hasil nya, WALAWEH, perghhhh, ade umphhh! haha... sedap mmg sedap... tu berkat kesabaran menunggu tu... aku akan kongsikan resepinya dgn korang a.s.a.p. ya... aku nak cite pengalaman aku yg hampir sebulan keje pun rase nya lum sampai waktu lg... bila aku betul-betul lapang nnt, insyaAllah aku akan kongsikan dgn korang betapa sukarnya menjadi seorg peguam.... haha... jumpa di lain lembaran ya... wassalam (n_n)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

..:: fasa baru dlm hidup ::..

Weeee.... rasa cam da lame sgt2x tak update blog ni... ahaksss... minggu lepas aku da mula start chambering aku kat Tetuan Maxwell, Kenion, Cowdy & Jones... Perghhh, first impression aku ketika masuk firm tu, walaweh..... besar, 5 tingkat, majority staff nya indian + chinese... then, their expectation on us mmg sgt2x tinggi... aku nak kongsikan pengalaman aku selama tiga hari bekerja sebagai peguam pelatih di firm tu... aku start keje pd 1st june 2011...

First day aku keje kat firma guaman tu, it cannot be denied, jantung aku berdebar gile... haha... padahal nothing to worry pun... tp aku mmg blur lor time 1st day aku kat firm tu... mana tak nya, kat situ ade 15 lawyers ( senior lawyers)... then kena memorize their initials... initial dorg lak... huwarghhhhhhh.... it's hard for me to digest lorh... seriously aku blur time kak Cat bg aku list of lawyers name & their initials... kat firm aku tu, dorg usually panggil initial rather than their own names... first task aku kat firm, aku kena range files for tomorrow cases... then kena call each & evry secretary lawyer2x kat firm tu untuk confirmkan kehadiran dorg     kat court... afterward one of the lawyer dtg kat tempat aku & introduced himself as "James Ong"... aku pggil dia Mr.James but he asked me to call him "James" or JO only... I followww~ ahaksss... Dia terus ajak aku pg court dgn dia... aku pun ikut lor... kitorg pegi Magistrate Court, Sessions Court, and last but not least High Court... actually, firm dgn court tu sume dekat saja... juz berjln kaki saja pg court... ahaksss... sepanjang jln ke court tu, JO explain kat aku cases yg dia handle hari ni, psl MOB, OIT, psl court registrar etc... 

Firstly, kitorg pg Mahkamah Majistret untuk mention case... JO mmg sentiasa nk aku ade dgn dia... aku nk jln2x tinjau court pun x dpt... dia explain kat aku psl court system... wing kiri untuk file case nombor genap... untuk right wing pulak, file case no ganjil... then masuk bilik registrar utk mention case... mention case ni mmg buat in chambers pun... JO nk wat JID tp unfotunately, the defendant pulak attend to the court that morning... ahaksss... so, lps summon di serahkan kpd defendant, kena tunggu lak defendant enter his defence lor... means utk failkan pembelaan... lps case tu, JO kenalkan aku sbg peguam pelatih yg baru kat firm Maxwell... lps pg Mahkamah Majistret, kitog pg Mahkamah Sesyen lak kat tingkat atas... JO kenalkan aku pd staff kat c2 & terangkan aku psl kaunter2x yg berkenaan sbb after this aku kena pg court utk mention case tanpa ditemani mana2x lawyer... aku kena handle sendiri... that's y it is important for me to familiarize myself wif the court & their staffs... 

Selesai saja pg Magistrate Court & Sessions Court, JO bwk aku pg High Court. kat Mahkamah Tinggi pd hari tu ade public auction a.k.a. lelongan awam... but, it's quite awkward sbb public auction tu dibuat secara outdoor public auction.... one of the property yg nak di lelong tu merupakan harta yg client dprd firm Maxwell  nak jual... JO ni mewakili pihak plaintiff lor dlm case lelong tu... tapi there is no bidder utk property tu... afta signed several documents, JO bwk aku masuk High Court, then explain ttg HC admin system. psl cubicle, how to use machine ape ntah utk sah kan kehadiran kita kat court tu... then jumpe dgn Ms. Brigette, one of the lawyer kat firm Maxwell... JO kena mention case kat HC... lps sume nya selesai, kitorg pun balik.... tp b4 balik, JO ajk pg minum2x... haha...

2nd day keje kat firm tu, aku ade sesi kenal-kenalan ataupun kat Uia disebut Taaruf Session... hehu... Aku diperkenalkan dgn Partners firm Maxwell tu... dgn lawyer-lawyer kat firm tu : Mr. Jeyapalan, Mr. James Ong, Mr. Micheal, Mr. James Devadason, Ms. Brigette, Mr. Rajan, Mr. Lee Yen Seong, En. Danial Rahman, En. Nizam, etc... then byk gak advices yg dorg bg pd aku... then, dorg ingatkan aku, in that firm, they only use English language as a medium of communication... gulppp... ahaksss... tu perkara biasa lor kan... apepun, aku suka bila dorg ckp u'll improve urself a lot at the end of ur chambering period... nevertheless, it depends on ur own initiatives... if u wanna be a good lawyer, u already have the opportunity... juz grabbed it! u must speak up, create sumthing out of nothing, semua lawyer2x kat firm tu will guide me... insyaAllah....

3rd day keje, aku ikut JO lagi pg High Court... then dia cite kat aku psl senior2x lawyer yg aku kena beware bile aku kena mention case nnt... then kena wat research psl S/O application... psl summary judgment, then ade discussion dgn JO... setakat ni mmg aku byk luangkan mase dgn JO... dgn staff2x lain, aku lum biasakan diri lg... ramai sgt smpai susah mau ingat nama dorg... kalau time buat keje, aku selalu dgn kak Cat (Catherine)... aku harap aku dpt lor tabahkan hati jalani hari-hari seterusnya dkt firm tu... huuuuuu.... 

Oklah, aku nak tido dulu... esok keje meh... ahakssss.... selamat malam semua... nite2x all...